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The New Old Age
Still wondering what you want to be when you grow up? Turns out, you're not alone. A fascinating phenomenon is burgeoning among retiring adults as they step out of their primary careers and into "the Encore Years". Programs at institutions like Stanford and Harvard have cropped up to support such transitions, particularly for established leaders. Such a process unearths raw questions on the nature... posted on Feb 15 2024, 3,777 reads


Why 1,200 Widows Will Be Surprised With Flowers Today
After the birth of her fourth child, Ashley Manning started a flower business as a respite from the whirlwind of family life. On Valentine's Day in 2020, she gifted a bouquet to her son's preschool teacher, who was widowed. Months later, at the end of the school year, that teacher told her, "I just want you to know how much that meant to me, that you thought of me on that day." Inspired, for the h... posted on Feb 14 2024, 1,279 reads


The Decision to Change
"He looked me in the eyes and said, 'I had that kind of clarity once. I chose to listen to others about what I should do and how I should live my life. I didn't want to go to law school, but I did because of my parents, my scholarship, and a lot of external pressure. It's been ten years, and I am just figuring that out now. Every day that goes by that you don't take a step in the direction of your... posted on Feb 13 2024, 3,850 reads


3 Reasons Why You Need Anger
Feeling hot under the collar? This fresh take might cool you down: It turns out anger, often written off as a destructive emotion, could be an unlikely source of motivation. "Anger leads you towards responses that help you overcome obstacles," points out Heather Lench of Texas A&M University. Three surprising ways anger can actually be beneficial: it can help us reach challenging goals, may boost ... posted on Feb 12 2024, 2,220 reads


Tsultrim Allione: Turning Towards What’s Difficult
After losing her infant daughter suddenly in 1980, the search for stories to help process grief led her to write what would go on to become a book that rippled into a burgeoning community of practice. Along the way, Lama Tsultrim found herself delving into research of the sacred feminine, deepening her own inner practices, and a whole lot more. In an intriguing podcast conversation, Tami Simon jou... posted on Feb 11 2024, 2,319 reads


Strangers 'Scarf-Bomb' City to Give Warmth in Winter
Scarf-bombing (verb) -- the act of bombarding a public space with scarves for those in need during the cold winter months. Suzanne Volpe, a crochet enthusiast who is warming up her city of Pittsburgh, Penn., U.S., one scarf at a time. Since first learning about this trend in 2014, Volpe is using her passion for crocheting to create scarves for those in need in the winter. Along with a team of volu... posted on Feb 09 2024, 1,221 reads


Meet The Fanciful Wooden Trolls of Pacific Northwest Forests
Venture out to the U.S.'s Pacific Northwest for an extraordinary encounter with trolls -- not the kind that fits in your pocket, but immense, fanciful wooden sculptures scattered across the forests. The creator, long-standing Danish artist Thomas Dambo, spent a decade carving over 100 of these enchanting creatures out of recycled materials, materializing his environmental activism into art. "I wan... posted on Feb 08 2024, 2,411 reads


An Offering of Remembrance
The world today is rapidly changing; yet, there is also a shifting landscape within each of us. Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee offers a stirring inquiry into the space between our relationship with the Earth and within ourselves. He begins, "The stories are within the words and the images, but they are also at the margins, in what is not said ... the real story that is unfolding beneath the surface is the c... posted on Feb 07 2024, 1,872 reads


Widower Transforms Grief by Offering Home Repairs for Free
Meet Danny Chauvin, a 76-year-old US military veteran from Waveland, Mississippi who's battling grief and PTSD in an unparalleled way. After losing his wife and struggling with the stark quiet of his home, Chauvin knew he needed to find something to keep busy. One of the favorite parts of his marriage was the small, mostly repair tasks that his wife would ask him to do around the house. He realize... posted on Feb 06 2024, 1,467 reads


Glacial Longings
"On the morning of our arrival, I run up to the bridge to watch Thwaites come into view. Out in the gathering light its gray margin wobbles in the gloaming. No one knows quite what to say. The words I conjurecirque, serac, cleft, torque, ski slope, rampartall slide off the surface of the ice, plopping one after the other into the bay right in front of Thwaites; a bay that had up until just a few w... posted on Feb 05 2024, 1,228 reads


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The greatest healing would be to wake up from what we are not.

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